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Other legal info: Contributions in our forum are personal utterances of the respective authors and are not written in the view of the Madunia Ltd.
Provider of this website in the legal sence of the german §6 TDG is the Madunia Ltd. Authorized to present is the manager Björn Rücker. Responsible for the contents pursant to §6 MDStV is Björn Rücker.
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VAT-ID-Nr. DE 206 277 7867
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The contents of this project was carefully checked and created to the best of one's knowledge. But for the provided information we do not claim completeness, up-tp-dateness, quality and correctness. We do not take responsibility for damages which are generated because of trusting the contents of this websites or using them.
According to § 28 BDSG we disagree every commercial usage and relaying of our data. We claim trademark rights to the words Madunia, Madun and Maduns.
Copyright and Usage: All at Madunia used articles, images and photos are copyrighted and are provided only for viewing. The relaying is forbidden. You are not allowed to alter and / or relaying or publish yourself the contents. If not otherwise expressed, the copyrights for contents, articles and images are by Madunia Ltd.
Foreign rights: If you think that one of your rights is hurt by this website, please inform us by email, so we can check this. Please notice: The time-consuming engaging of a lawyer to send a dissuasion with costs is not equal to the wishes of the lawyer.
Technical Plattform: This website use the contentmanagement system "Portalsuite 2002 Enterprise" and is hosted in the datacenter of the Portunity GmbH.
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